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Lunr integration for Astro; client-side search for statically hosted pages.

2022-05-14 17:06 #1: fixed base path replacement problem
Siver K. Volle 3f44311
2022-05-14 17:06 #1: fixed base path replacement problem master Siver K. Volle 3f44311
2022-05-01 13:57 Fixed problem with import.meta.env when proper npm-module Siver K. Volle 00a915f
2022-04-18 20:31 add demo-link to readme Siver K. Volle d930b81
2022-04-18 19:51 initial steps to turn astro-lunr into its own repo Siver K. Volle 9983ab3
2022-04-18 18:39 better lunr in dev-mode; better file diffs Siver K. Volle 182546c
2022-04-17 19:29 support for github pages; max-lines in file view Siver K. Volle 1612826
2022-04-16 00:25 Included readme and licenses; made the plugins into npm-modules; removed more dead-links and ui/ux-bugs Siver K. Volle 077a354
2022-04-15 17:21 Multi-repo support; refactored astro-git and astro-lunr into independent plugins Siver K. Volle adfedbe
2022-04-14 10:00 lunr-based indexing and search integration; assorted minor ux/ui improvements Siver K. Volle 146ebb5

Differences for commit 077a3541ec212cf1e9fd0113759ac0872217100b

.gitignore | New file
to file
LICENSE | New file
to file
package-lock.json | New file
to file
package.json | +7L -3L 50% changed
to file
0 {
1 "name": "astro-lunr",
2 "version": "0.0.1",
3 "private": true,
4 + "license" : "GPL-3.0",
5 "description": "Lunr integration for Astro",
6 "type": "module",
7 + "exports": {
8 + "./plugin.mjs": "./plugin.mjs",
9 + "./client/lunr.js": "./client/lunr.js",
10 + "./server/renderer.js": "./server/renderer.js"
11 + },
12 "dependencies": {
13 - "lunr": "^2.3.9"
14 - },
15 - "devDependencies": {
16 + "lunr": "^2.3.9",
17 "rehype": "^12.0.1"
18 }
plugin.mjs | +3L -28L 21% changed
to file
0 - import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'
1 import fs from 'node:fs';
2 import path from 'node:path';
55 }
57 -
58 - // function getViteConfiguration(options = {}) {
59 - // var filter = createFilter(["**/pages/**/*.astro"], options.exclude, {});
60 - // return {
61 - // plugins: [
62 - // {
63 - // enforce: 'pre', // run transforms before other plugins can
64 - // name: "lunr-rollup-plugin",
65 - // transform(code, id) {
66 - // if(!filter(id)) return null;
67 - // const ast = this.parse(code);
68 - // const ext = ast.body.filter(node => node.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration");
69 - // const indexDocumentAst = ext.find(node => node.declaration.declarations.find(n => === "indexDocument"))
70 - // if(!indexDocumentAst) return null;
71 - // console.log("transform", id, indexDocumentAst);
72 - // // const art = this.parse(code);
73 - // // const source = await fs.promises.readFile(id, 'utf8').catch(err => console.log(err));
74 - // // console.log("loaded", id, source);
75 - // }
76 - // }
77 - // ],
78 - // };
79 - // }
80 -
81 -
82 export default function createPlugin({pathFilter, subDir, documentFilter, initialize, mapDocument, verbose}){
83 let config = {};
90 options.addRenderer({
91 name: 'lunr-renderer',
92 - serverEntrypoint: '@integrations/astro-lunr/server/renderer.js',
93 + serverEntrypoint: 'astro-lunr/server/renderer.js',
94 });
95 }
123 if(newDocuments.length > 0) {
124 if(verbose){
125 - console.log(`Indexing ${pathname}, found ${newDocuments.length} documents to index`);
126 + console.log(`Indexing ${newDocuments.length} doc(s) from ${pathname}`);
127 }
128 fs.writeFileSync(url, String(hyped));
138 documents =;
139 }
140 + fs.mkdirSync(new URL(path.join(subDir || "", index || ""), dir), { recursive: true });
141 fs.writeFileSync(new URL(path.join(subDir || "", index || "", 'idx.json'), dir), JSON.stringify(idx));
142 fs.writeFileSync(new URL(path.join(subDir || "", index || "", 'docs.json'), dir), JSON.stringify(documents));
145 }
146 } | +113L -1L 91% changed
to file
2 # astro-lunr
4 - [Lunr]( integration for [Astro](
5 + [Lunr]( integration for [Astro](
7 + See example usage in [astro-git-view](
8 +
9 + ## Usage
10 +
11 + ```js
12 + import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
13 + import astroLunr from 'astro-lunr/plugin.mjs';
14 + export default defineConfig({
15 + integrations: [
16 + astroLunr({})
17 + ]
18 + });
19 + ```
20 +
21 ## Config
23 + pathFilter, subDir, documentFilter, initialize, mapDocument, verbose
24 +
25 + | Config field | Type | Value |
26 + |:---------------- |:------------------ |:-------------------------------------------- |
27 + | `subDir` | string | Subdirectory to store the created idx.json and docs.json files. |
28 + | `pathFilter` | (string) => boolean | Filter for paths that should be searched for `<lunr-document/>`-elements |
29 + | `documentFilter` | (string) => boolean | Filter for documents should be included in the final index, after they are found by searching the pre-generated pages |
30 + | `initialize` | (lunr.Builder, lunr) => void | Lunr-specific setup. E.g. fields to index and pipeline-adjustments |
31 + | `mapDocument` | (Object) => Object | Transform the documents before storing them in docs.json |
32 + | `verbose` | boolean | Debug log |
33 +
34 +
35 + ### Example from astro-git-view
36 +
37 + ```js
38 + astroLunr({
39 + subDir: "lunr",
40 + pathFilter: (pathname) => {
41 + return pathname.match(/\w+\/tree\//);
42 + },
43 + documentFilter: (doc) => {
44 + return doc.ref === "master" && !doc.canonicalUrl.includes("package-lock.json");
45 + },
46 + initialize: (builder, lunr) => {
47 + lunr.tokenizer.separator = /[^\w]+/;
48 + builder.pipeline.reset();
49 + builder.searchPipeline.reset();
50 + builder.field("ref", {boost: 0.01});
51 + builder.field("oid", {boost: 0.01});
52 + builder.field("path", {boost: 0.1});
53 + builder.field("name", {boost: 10});
54 + builder.field("content");
55 + builder.metadataWhitelist = ["position"];
56 + },
57 + mapDocument: (doc) => doc,
58 + verbose: false
59 + })
60 + ```
61 +
62 ## Indexing documents
64 + Indexing is done automatically during build-time, by searching the genereated pages for the `<lunr-document/>`-element on any of the generated pages. These elements are removed from the final version of the build-output, and therefore only affects the two generated index-files `idx.json` and `docs.json`.
65 +
66 + Multiple indexes are supported by supplying the index-attribute to the `<lunr-document/>`-elements. Each index will create their own `idx.json`/`docs.json` pair.
67 +
68 + ### Example from astro-git-view
69 +
70 + ```jsx
71 + <lunr-document index={repo.getName()}>
72 + <lunr-field name="repo" value={repo.getName()}/>
73 + <lunr-field name="ref" value={ref}/>
74 + <lunr-field name="path" value={path}/>
75 + <lunr-field name="base" value={path.split("/").slice(0,-1).join("/")}/>
76 + <lunr-field name="name" value={name}/>
77 + <lunr-field name="oid" value={oid}/>
78 + <lunr-field name="type" value={"blob"}/>
79 + <lunr-field name="extension" value={name.split(".").pop()}/>
80 + <lunr-text name="content">{content}</lunr-text>
81 + </lunr-document>
82 + ```
83 +
84 ## Searching
86 + `astro-lunr` gives two functions to search `search` and `enrich`. `async search(query, index)` loads and deserializes the `idx.json` file, performs the search, and returns the hits from lunr. `async enrich(hits, index)` loads the `docs.json` file and enriches the result from lunr with the documents that were matches.
87 +
88 + As the two json-files often can be megabytes in size, it is recommended to not
89 +
90 + ### Example
91 +
92 + ```js
93 + import {search, enrich} from 'astro-lunr/client/lunr.js';
94 +
95 + search("query", "index")
96 + .then(enrich)
97 + .then((result) => result.forEach(
98 + ({hit, doc}) => console.log(hit, doc)))
99 + ```
100 +
101 + ### Searching in Dev-mode
102 +
103 + Due to the nature of indexing, to properly search in dev-mode, one needs to first build the page at least once to create the index
104 +
105 + Furthermore, to make the dev-server accept the index-files, you might need to symbolically link the index-files from the public-folder. These should be included in `.gitignore` or equivalent.
106 +
107 + Example of how this is done automatically for `astro-git-view`:
108 +
109 + ```json
110 + "scripts": {
111 + "dev": "(ln -s ../dist/lunr ./public/lunr 2> /dev/null || true) && astro dev",
112 + "start": "(ln -s ../dist/lunr ./public/lunr 2> /dev/null || true) && astro dev",
113 + "build": "(rm ./public/lunr 2> /dev/null || true) && astro build",
114 + "preview": "astro preview"
115 + },
116 + ```
117 +
118 + A potential future solution would be to "trick" the dev-server into serving certain files from `./dist` without the end-user needing to think, or by writing the files to both dist and public.
119 +
120 + ### Searching in SSR-mode
121 +
122 + To properly search files that are not usually genereated in the build-step, you would need to have a separate build-step that includes all pages that might be generated.
123 +